Workplace rehabilitation

Getting back to work is an important step in recovering from a work-related injury and means a worker can return to a normal life, often reducing the financial and emotional impact on them and their family.

Research tells us that an early return to work and activity helps prevent long-term disability and improves the likelihood of the person continuing to work once they’ve returned.

Benefits of rehabilitation

Worker benefits:

As a worker, your participation and commitment to rehabilitation means:

  • A quick and safe return to work
  • Less disruption to family, work and social life
  • Improved employment and financial security
  • Less time spent recovering from your injury
  • Reduced level of impairment.
Employer benefits:

There are benefits for early return to work for employers too; employer participation in rehabilitation can:

  • Reduce disruption impacting productivity
  • Reduce staff turnover
  • Improve staff morale and workplace industrial relations
  • Minimise retraining expenses
  • Reduce claims costs and impact on premium
  • Help a worker’s return to the workplace

We work with workers, employers, ACC, physiotherapists and doctors to ensure a safe and effective return to work for employees. Contact us to find out more about our rehabilitation and return to work plans.