Workplace vaccinations

At OHM we do blood testing for immunity status and workplace vaccinations for the following:
Hepatitis A & B

Hepatitis A & B are infectious diseases that can stop your liver from working properly. Hepatitis A spreads through contact with faeces of someone who has the virus either by contact with that person or contaminated food or water. Hepatitis B is spread through contact with bodily fluids and is the most infectious of the blood-borne viruses. It is recommended everyone is vaccinated at least against Hep B ( we have this in childhood immunisation schedule in New Zealand).

Blood tests are taken first to determine a person’s immunity status as some people develop this with previous vaccinations or the disease itself. Vaccinations are given depending on the level of immunity and to those who are exposed in their work. We can give individual Hep A and Hep B vaccines and also have a combined Hep A & B vaccine.


Typhoid is an uncommon but serious bacterial infection caused by the bacterium Salmonella Typhi or paratyphi. Almost all cases of typhoid in New Zealand are from people travelling overseas. Most workers in New Zealand do not require typhoid vaccination unless they are  specialist lab workers or are going overseas as part of their employment.

Tetanus, diptheria and pertussis


Tetanus is caused by the release of the tetanus toxin by a bacteria often found in soil. Unlike other vaccine-preventable diseases, tetanus is not transmitted between people. The toxin is so potent that small amounts can cause serious effects in the nervous system preventing muscles from relaxing. This results in stiffness, cramping, ‘lockjaw’ and painful spasms. Risk of tetanus infection is through deep or chronic wounds thus often people are given booster vaccinations after having cuts/ wounds.


Diptheria is an infectious disease in which bacteria infects the nose, throat or skin.  While it is rare, being infected with diphtheria can be serious and include life threatening complications of major organs including heart and kidneys. It can be transmitted in various ways including respiratory droplets ( coughing or sneezing) and contaminated food and objects.


Pertussis, commonly known as whooping cough is an highly contagious respiratory illness. It can last for a long time, up to three months sometimes called the ‘hundred day cough’. It mostly affects babies and small children causing severe coughing, sometimes resulting in vomiting. Adults are less affected by this but can be carriers so if they are working with or in contact with children i.e early childhood carers, we recommend vaccination against pertussis.

Vaccination options:

  • ADT– Tetanus and Diptheria
  • TDap/ Boostrix – Tetanus, diptheria AND pertussis

Influenza vaccinations are the most common vaccination we give as most workers will be exposed to this. We offer influenza vaccinations annually and this is recommended to all staff to protect against and reduce the burden of the influenza virus. Our qualified nurses can come to your site and give flu vaccinations to your staff if you are based in the Wellington, Lower Hutt, Kapiti, Porirua or Upper Hutt areas. Please contact us.

If your employees are vulnerable as part of their duties, they should be vaccinated against these illnesses. We will give them a course of injections to minimise their risk.
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